Monday, November 13, 2006

International news

International news by Jackir Miah

4 die in Basra blast
4 soldiers were killed by an explosion on a patrol boat in southern Iraq the following day another three were in a put in a critical condition, the soldiers were from the intelligence corps and the assault squadrons. 1 of the three injured men has recovered significantly but the other two remain in a serious condition, the families of the soldiers wish to stay unknown until a further 24 hours to release their names.

Ps3 sells out at launch in Japan
Game stores in Japan have sold out of PlayStation 3 consoles after thousands of gamers queued for hours in the cold to buy them. The console went on sale on 11 November but Sony only made 100,000 machines available on launch day. (The console will hit the U.K in March 2007)
The PlayStation 3 (PS3) is being sold in two versions. The more expensive version has a 60GB hard drive and wi-fi but costs 60,000 yen (£270). The cheaper version has a 20GB hard drive, doesn’t have wi-fi and will cost 50,000 yen (£222). Prices are expected to be higher in Europe. Both versions include a wireless controller, a Blue-ray high-quality video disc and a port so they can work with a high-definition display. Buying a PS3 also gives owners free access to the online PlayStation Network where they can meet and play other gamers. Sony expects five games to be available at launch including Ridge Racer 7, Mobile Suit Gundam: Target in Sight, Genji, and Resistance: Fall of Man.
Anniversary of Pakistan earth quake
Last month survivors of the Pakistan earthquake had to deal with their loss as anniversary ceremonies brought painful memories. The disaster brought death and destruction. People were kept out because Kashmir was essentially a military zone. War divided the territory between Pakistan and India nearly 60 years ago. And, since 1989, Kashmiri rebels have been fighting on the Indian side. This began as a nationalist uprising, but was taken over by Islamists, sponsored by Islamabad.

Farm workers killed in train collision
27 people have been killed in a train crash, 3 have been critically injured. The train was crossing a train track when a train came out from nowhere and collided with the truck full of employees, the passengers on the train suffered no injuries but were suffering from shock because of the incident involving deaths


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