Junk food and exercise.
Good nutritious food: is needed for a healthy diet and life.
In schools from this September: food in high fats salt and sugar will be band in vending machines and meals.
Why should all of this junk be ditched?
Old people die from heart problems, these days’ young people are suffering from heart problems which in their cases are caused from junk food and not enough exercise. It not only heart problem that young people are facing it is other diseases.
With the help of celebrity chef Jamie Oliver, the UK government is trying too combat unhealthy eating in schools across the UK. Since Jamie’s initiative schools in the UK there are providing healthy and nutritious food.
Did you now that eating junk food, during pregnancy raises new born risks of diabetes and obesity?
Junk food is aloud sometime but all the time because you will go obesity if you don’t add excises to it.
Have you seen the film “Super size me?” It is really good. It is about a man who kept on eating Mc Donald’s for six months and nearly killing himself after. This film shows that we shouldn’t eat too much fast food especially not for six months. He does this because he wants to show the dangers of eating a large consumption of fast food. So…we need to eat healthy and be active.
We all need exercise so we can stay fit and healthy. We need the right food and the right exercise. Some kids sit in front of their TV and play on there computers all day long eating junk food whilst being entertained by the screen in front. There is no activity taking place which could cause potential health problems for example obesity and other health related illnesses.

Who is having fun?
Which picture would you rather be in?
Having a healthy life means having a balance of everything. That means eating from a balanced diet this included fruit and vegetables as well as the odd snack and fast food but only sometimes!! It is good to go out and play and exercise because you have fun and it helps you keep healthy and fit.
On one extreme we have young people who are eating too much of the wrong foods and on the other we have young people who are starving themselves. There are many terms for starving one common term is known as anorexia nervosa. ….(1 in 4 girls suffer from this problem). Anorexia is a mental illness caused by young people wanting to appear skinny. This maybe because they want to be like their friends, they want the body of their female icon like a celebrity for example Nichole Ricchi.
Things you can do to have a balanced life:
· Do not always have junk food (treat yourself now and again to fast food, that does not mean treat yourself everyday).
· Exercise regularly at east two times a week. This might be walking instead of taking the bus to school/shopping.
· Get all your friends together and start playing football/tennis/basketball on a regular basis.
Have fun and be healthy!!!
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