Technology - Has it changed our lives?
Has Technology changed our lives?
Technology has a big impact upon people and their lives. People are more dependant now upon computers and televisions and other electrical appliances now than before. Now if people need to find out information, they more likely look on the internet, than going down to their local library and looking it up in a book. Also more people use internet chat sites and emails instead of phoning people or even writing letters. Also more people sit and watch the television when they have free time rather than going and playing a game or reading a book or doing something else.
How Technology has improved our lives:
Due to Technology, we can now stay in contact with people that have moved away or live in other parts of the world. With only a simple download, we can stay in contact with friends and family anywhere in the world. There are many chat sites in which we can meet people from all over the world and start friendships. With the technology that is being created, we can do almost anything on our computers. We can even order our shopping over the internet! We can even watch movies and listen to music on the internet now.
‘For the sake of the argument, say, the same job 20 years ago took 10 times longer to execute (which is probably not far from the truth), and one designer used to take on 5 jobs a year. This means that, with the increase in efficiency, today’s designer can take on 50 jobs a year.’ Quoted from
Has Technology had any negative effects upon our lives?
As well as the problems that can be caused by Internet Security risks, there are some aspects of technology that can be damaging to us. For example, less people go and practise sport, with more people sitting and watching television on a weekend and during their free time. Also when people do shopping over the internet, they are more likely to miss out on things that they needed or wanted to buy because when they are looking around a shop, they will see the things that they want to buy and they will not forget, but on the internet, they can not see the products, so they are more likely to forget what they need, or end up buying something that was not what they wanted in the first place. Also when you are shopping over the internet, if something you want can not be found, then the shop will try to find a compromise item instead, which may be of lesser quality and value and might even cost quite a bit more than what they wanted would
have cost.
Due to some recent technologies, people are getting less ands less exercise because they would rather sit and watch television, or play on their computer, or listen to their music than go out and do something. Also because of technology, more people are getting stolen from because they have the most advanced phone or music player. It also means that more people are spending their money on things that are not especially necessary, such as cameras on phones and video playing capabilities on music players.
Is technology a good or bad thing?
There are many advantages and disadvantages that arise on the subject of technology, but I think that, when used correctly it is a good thing. Despite the problems that can be noticed quite obviously, such as thieving and lack of good exercise, the rewards that can be gained from using new technology correctly and well can be great.
Has Technology changed our lives?
Technology has a big impact upon people and their lives. People are more dependant now upon computers and televisions and other electrical appliances now than before. Now if people need to find out information, they more likely look on the internet, than going down to their local library and looking it up in a book. Also more people use internet chat sites and emails instead of phoning people or even writing letters. Also more people sit and watch the television when they have free time rather than going and playing a game or reading a book or doing something else.
How Technology has improved our lives:
Due to Technology, we can now stay in contact with people that have moved away or live in other parts of the world. With only a simple download, we can stay in contact with friends and family anywhere in the world. There are many chat sites in which we can meet people from all over the world and start friendships. With the technology that is being created, we can do almost anything on our computers. We can even order our shopping over the internet! We can even watch movies and listen to music on the internet now.
‘For the sake of the argument, say, the same job 20 years ago took 10 times longer to execute (which is probably not far from the truth), and one designer used to take on 5 jobs a year. This means that, with the increase in efficiency, today’s designer can take on 50 jobs a year.’ Quoted from
Has Technology had any negative effects upon our lives?
As well as the problems that can be caused by Internet Security risks, there are some aspects of technology that can be damaging to us. For example, less people go and practise sport, with more people sitting and watching television on a weekend and during their free time. Also when people do shopping over the internet, they are more likely to miss out on things that they needed or wanted to buy because when they are looking around a shop, they will see the things that they want to buy and they will not forget, but on the internet, they can not see the products, so they are more likely to forget what they need, or end up buying something that was not what they wanted in the first place. Also when you are shopping over the internet, if something you want can not be found, then the shop will try to find a compromise item instead, which may be of lesser quality and value and might even cost quite a bit more than what they wanted would

Due to some recent technologies, people are getting less ands less exercise because they would rather sit and watch television, or play on their computer, or listen to their music than go out and do something. Also because of technology, more people are getting stolen from because they have the most advanced phone or music player. It also means that more people are spending their money on things that are not especially necessary, such as cameras on phones and video playing capabilities on music players.
Is technology a good or bad thing?
There are many advantages and disadvantages that arise on the subject of technology, but I think that, when used correctly it is a good thing. Despite the problems that can be noticed quite obviously, such as thieving and lack of good exercise, the rewards that can be gained from using new technology correctly and well can be great.
not bad i like the toppic!!!!!!!!!!!
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